Home is Where the Hub is


Homes have become classrooms, gyms, workplaces and bakeries. Sadly, despite multiple attempts, a 'fail' at making a sourdough starter for my family, though! People want to support their community financially with their purchasing plus there's safety by buying local - fewer hands and distance involved in the logistics. Some will always want to be in an office, but working from home and the ability to work when you wish gives a level of flexibility that will be hard to give back. There's also comment that there will be a push back to disposable products such as consumers will want 'clean before green' for a little while. And who hasn't noticed how much cleaner the air was without the rush hour commute? Now that we've experienced how nice it was, clean air activism is expected to be much more on the consumer minds. Businesses will need to reassure consumers that they are mindful of how life has changed and want to protect their customers well being.

Time for a Post COVID 19 Makeover


China Skinny has noted that Chinese consumers went straight to their hairdressers and beauty as soon as lockdown restrictions were relaxed. They wanted to make themselves look good again, and feel some degree of normality. With make-up, lipstick sales have dropped, but the spend on mascara, eyeliners and eye shadows have increased due to women wearing face masks in public. Chinese consumers are also much more relaxed about the use of big data and AI as they have seen how it used to help contain COVID 19. Beauty brands are now moving into the 'beauty tech' space to exploit this and market more strategically.